Klüberoil FT 1-22

产品编号: 030170 Long-life, energy-saving spindle oils

For you as an operator of textile mills or manufacturer of spindles for the spinning industry, lubrication of the high-speed spindle bearings in ring frames is the key point for the efficiency of production. Tough requirements related to high speeds in combination with fine clearances often lead to short lifetimes of the spindles and high energy consumption when the lubricant is not tailored to these special needs. Unnecessarily high maintenance and replacement costs in combination with high energy costs are the result.

The Klüberoil FT 1-series provides optimum support for this requirement profile as these products have been especially developed as wear-protecting and energy-saving spindle oils for application in high-speed ring frames in textile mills.

Klüberoil FT 1-series oils are formulated using a high-viscosity-index, hydro-treated mineral base oil and selected additives to enhance oxidation resistance and provide maximum protection against wear, corrosion and foaming. This enhances the smooth functioning of the spindles and leads to an increase of relubrication intervals. The low coefficient of friction lowers bearing operating temperatures and substantially reduces power consumption. This is especially important considering that the spindles are the single largest power consumer in a ring frame.

Increased spindle life and an improved energy efficiency over competing lubricants was shown under standardized conditions and also in the field.

The excellent air-release and anti-foam properties of Klüberoil FT 1 ensure consistent lubrication under the high agitation conditions found in spindle bearings.

Klüberoil FT 1-22


  • More efficient production due to less downtime

  • Extended maintenance intervals due to verifiable longer lubricating oil service life

  • Economical consumption of spindle oil due to improved evaporation behavior

  • Contribution to achieving your sustainability goals

    • Resource preservation and cost savings due to extended spindle service life

    • Lower heat generation reduces air conditioning costs and improves room temperature of the working environment

    • Proven significant reduction in energy consumption helps to reduce operating costs and protects the environment



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